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Togakushi ~ Japan

The Islands Of Light Collective Team started our journey at Iizuna Oasis in the Nagano Prefecture.

We were joined by our dear friends and members of the original Team Japan from The Beacons of Light Ceremony and Activation with Mount Fuji San for a grand re-union dinner and celebration.

Yukio San, Akeyo San, Nina San, Yuko San, Keiko San, Nami San, and Eishin San

From top left to right, bottom right to left..

Yukio San, Akeyo San, Nina San, Yuko San, Keiko San, Nami San, Eishin San

The next morning, we all went to the Togakushi Shrine to prepare.

We were accompanied by a glorious cleansing blessing rain, which is the usual greeting from the spirits of the land in preparation for ceremony.

The spirits of the Togakushi Shrine, greeted us at the entrance of the shrine. I asked to be guided by the spirits and to be shown the pathways to take.

Entrance to Tojgajushi Shrine

Entrance to the Togakushi Shrine

The birds spirits came first, followed by the white hyacinth flowers, and the sacred stream running to the left. I was also greeted by Buffalo Spirit and Lightning Spirit.

The beautiful sacred elder Cedar ~ Sugi Trees were magnificent and full of wisdom and song. The energy of the trees spiraled to the left, creating and energy vortex and weave much like the New Earth’s energetic grid, that was once linear, but now spiraling to the left as well.

They have these amazing coding patterns that look very much like the Lemurian Crystals. Running your fingers down the coding left your arms and hands tingling and humming with amazing energy and the trees sang and offered us permission to bring our retreat group back for sacred ceremony.

I was then greeted by the most amazing galactic being, that resembled an owls face with long outstretched wings, or arms, perfectly balancing in the air.

It told of a great portal to the stars that was here in the forest.

galactic guardian

The Galactic Guardian

Soon after, I noticed a path to the left, guarded by another galactic being. I peeked down the path and noticed an amazing tree being. I went down the path a bit and knew it was a special place. I left the path to find the team, excited to come back to explore this pathway.

We continued up the steep hill and path to the top of the Togakushi Shrine.

The mountains were covered in clouds, but just as we reached the top, the rain stopped and a great mountain peak resembling a head of a dragon appeared.

We headed back down the path and as we reached the pathway again, I walked into the forest. It was a path of Kuan Yin.

I noticed the most amazing tree, forming a great loop with its branch, creating a portal.

The Guardian Spirit was incredibly strong and I knew I would need to connect in, pray and ask permission to cross the stream to reach the sacred tree. It resembles a great Lion's head.

We left, to finish connecting with the trees and the river spirits and then joined the rest of our team who were waiting for us at the bottom of the path to the Shrine.

We said goodbye to Akeyo San, Nami San and Keiko San, then decided to relax a bit at the Mure-onsen Tengunoyakata Hotsprings.

Yuko San and Nina San at the hot springs.

Yuko San and Nina San trying out the massage beds after a good soak in the hot springs.

The following morning we prepared for our Cosmic Starseed Retreat. As Yuko San and I prepared the space, we were joined by the most incredibly large and powerful Angel Team I have experienced so far! WOW! Every space was filled with Angels!

Nina San and Yuko San Preparing Space

Nina San And Yuko San Preparing Space and calling in the Angels

Then our retreat participants arrived. Yuko San, Yukio San, and Myself were joined by 14 amazing women, coming from all areas of Japan.

Beginning ceremony

Beginning Ceremony at Ichinotorii Park

We started our beginning ceremony at the Ichinotorii Park, then went back to the Iizuna Oasis where we continued our beginning ceremony, by setting our Lemurian Crystal Grid and added in the sacred waters that I brought from Shasta and the over 50 crystal grids and water wheels that have been created and consciously tended to for over 18 years.

Lemurian Crystal Grid

During the next 4 days, the 17 of us amazing beings in Human form and the thousands of beings in Angel form, took a grand journey of healing, opening, prayers, sacred ceremonies, angel blessings, deep Earth connection, star journeys, star transmissions and activation.

Transformation and incredible cohesion was experience by all, and we all became a great family, sharing, caring and loving each other in kindness, tenderness and support.

We took time to relax and cleanse at the amazing hot springs every night and during our meals, we laughed with each other and played!

We shared the sacred Lemurian Elixir Waters, to be spread around Japan and on our last day, we took our final ceremonial journey and walk through the ancient Cedars/Sugis.

Lemurian Elixir

Lemurian Elixir Water

We were joined by a little bumble bee, raven and the galactic guardians.

The trees were so happy and so welcoming and as we sang to the trees, they sang back to us!

Togakushi Sugi Cedars

Our Sacred Walk through the Giant Cedars ( Sugis) Of Togakushi Shrine

We received permission to enter the sacred Kuan Yin pathway to the portal to the stars, but only Yuko San, Yukio San and myself received permission to go past the sacred stream to the portal tree. We stood in the portal, barefoot, and open hearted, and sang and prayed with the tree. Yuko San and Yukio San then held the energies of the sacred feminine and sacred masculine and we then realized that this was in fact the portal that opens the doorway to the 9 headed dragon spirit of Togakushi!

The Portal tree

The Portal Tree

We sang to the trees and sang to the dragon, gently awakening it.

We finished our sacred walk to the top of the mountain and the shrine, then made our way back to the Iizuna Oasis for our final ceremony.

Togakushi Shrine

Togakushi Shrine

Our group left, and the IOLC team journeyed back to Kyoto, for a day of rest.

Yakushima Island

We arrived today at Yakushima Island, which reminds me so much of Hawaii and home! The lushness and thickness of the trees, the mountain peaks, many waterfalls and hot springs lining the coast of the ocean..... this island is absolutely paradise!! We are of course greeted by an incredible day of cleansing rain and tomorrow we rest and prepare our energies for the sacred journey through the deep forest to Jomon Sugi.

We start our Journey on the 26th (that’s the 25th to all of you in the USA) and will reach Jomon Sugi on the 27th.

My heart is incredibly full and singing with excitement!!

Trust your heart, truth and knowing on the timing for you or your group to sync up… the linear time of the sync up, meditation and prayers is not important….because the moment we enter the forest, we start activating the light with ALL of the trees of Yakushima Island.

We will be singing to the trees, the beings and the spirits of Yakushima Forest, activating the starlight in the trees and sending the light through the roots and into the waters/ocean. A great neural web of light.

I am so incredibly thankful to the IOLC Team Japan and all of the beautiful people of Japan who are joining us. I am also incredibly thankful to all the amazing people around the world who are syncing up and joining us as well.

It is a beautiful time of togetherness, of anchoring in the New Earth Energies and creating a new way of Sacred Living for all.

Join us in prayer, meditation, singing to the trees and blessing the water. Hugging and kissing the trees is also a great idea! And of course hugging and kissing each other is a great idea too!

Huge appreciation to Solara and the Family Of AN who is deep in ceremony anchoring in the Tower Of AN in Peru right now.

And to the Family of EL, the Angels and also the Family of ISH.

And to the many many many Crystal Grid Keepers who are activating the over 50 plus Crystal Grids around the world, and to the Shasta Ohana, who are holding the energies of the Selenite Guardians and Lemurian Crystals, and Stargates with the Mountain.

Individually, we all know in our hearts the truth of what it is we offer and together we create a new reality, one of Divine Love, and Peace.

Here we go! Lets Dance and Sing and Play Shall we? :)

So much Gratitude, LOVE and HUGE HUGS!

Nina ~ IshTahn

Nina and the trees

Japanese Translation

戸隠 ~ 日本


Nina Kirby ~ IshTahn Oladra Thal


昨年富士山での最初のBeacons of Light Ceremony and Activationを行った時の日本チームメンバーが駆けつけて夕食をともにしながら再会を祝いました。

Yukio San, Akeyo San, Nina San, Yuko San, Keiko San, Nami San, and Eishin San






Entrance to Tojgajushi Shrine


美しい杉の古木群は壮大で、深い叡智と美しい響きに満ちていました。木々のエネルギーは左巻きの螺旋をなして上昇し、エネルギーの渦を作り出していました。それはちょうど新しい地球(New Earth)のエネルギーグリッドのように織り合わさっていました。地球のエネルギーもかつては直線的であったものが今では左回りの螺線の流れとなっているのです。




galactic guardian











ゆう子さんとニーナさん 温泉にのんびり使った後マッサージ機を試しているところ


スペースを整えエンジェルを召喚している ニーナさんとゆう子さん

Nina San and Yuko San Preparing Space

Yuko San and Nina San at the hot springs.


Beginning ceremony









Lemurian Elixir




Togakushi Sugi Cedars



The Portal tree




戸隠神社 奥社


Togakushi Shrine









今ペルーを”Tower Of AN”に根付かせるセレモニーの真最中のSolaraとFamily Of ANへ大きな感謝の意を表します。またFamily of ELとエンジェル達、Family of ISHへも感謝します。





Nina ~ IshTahn

ニーナ ~ イシタン

Nina and the trees

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